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on June 24, 2007 at 8:49:56 pm

Pre-QuakeCon Tastyspleen Athens LAN Party

A Quake 2 LAN party at the Athens LAN Arena located in Athens Texas (Map) July 31 - August 1st (just before QuakeCon).

Logo by Quest


  •  16 June 2007 - Mike/Quest
    • Added new logo



  • June 2007 - Defiant!
    • Wiki created


  • April 2007 -- Defiant!
    • Drove overnight to visit Mike "DeathStalker" at the Athens LAN Arena.  The place is awesome.  High end machines, high speed internet wired/wireless, and a crowd of gamers.  We talked about the upcoming LAN details and are all excited



  • Who - Anyone who wants to particpate, bring your PC or Pay to Play
  • What - Computer gaming party, focus on Quake 2 with many other games available
  • When - Tuesday July 31 through late night Wednesday August 1st, just before QuakeCon
  • Where - Athens LAN Arena, in Athens Texas a hour drive away from QuakeCon
  • Why - To meet, play, and compete


Attendees and Staff List


LAN Arena Pics


Staff Plans..Staff Planning Page



  •  Ok guys, this is "the" Quake II event of the year !!!!

    This is "the" Tastyspleen event of the year !!!!

    You can't miss this one.

    If you can't go to QuakeCon you have to try and atleast make this trip. If you are going to Qcon, the TSLAN is only 70 miles away. We have fragged together for a long time here at Tastyspleen (some of us for years). This isn't just any ole LAN Party, this is a Tasyspleen family event Smiley And nothing has made me more proud than to be able to host this event.

    It will start when the first person arrives on Tuesday morning. It will continue on through Wednesday. On Wednesday Cripple Creek BBQ will be called into service to cater our lunch. (They have the best dam BBQ in Texas). At around 10pm (or 12am) we will lock the doors to the public, after that you will also be free to bring in your own "other" drink that I cannot "publically" say. :cough: beer  bier :cough: :cough: beer :cough:  bier

    Through these two days you will get to fragg face to face with the very people you have come to know so well and that I’ve come to love so much.

    Then either Wednesday night or early Thursday morning we'll pack up and move to QuakeCon. "You know, I have a funny vision in me head: Everyone loads up early Thursday morning and we all travel to QuakeCon in one big long convoy. LOL" "Move over everybody, the Tastysplean convoy is coming through." Smiley

    There will be all sorts of MODS available, a Tourney, limited internet access, and all sorts of other things going on,. and did I mention BBQ ? Smiley

    Not to mention other non-Quake games for you to try out if you decide to. I am also thinking about a T-Shirt idea.

    The results of this will also be all over the internet. I am currently building the Web site for the LAN Arena and should have it up in another week or so.

    If you miss QuakeCon there will be another one next year. If you miss this event there is no garentee there will be a Pre-QuakeCon Tastyspleen LAN Party next year, (although i certainly hope there is) so you have to make this one. Even if there is another one, having the memories of being at the inaugural one will just simply rock.

    You know QuakeCon started out this way, just a few folks getting together at a LAN party. What if someday there is 1,000 people signing up for the annual Tastyspleen convention some day ? Smiley

    Now, as much as I wanted to make this a 100% completely free event, unfortunately it couldn't be done. Sad

    It is however much less expensive than any other place we could have rented.

    This is necessary to cover the cost of the rental of the tables and chairs, the catering, clean up, and all the other expenses involved in putting something like this together. But more than anything, it is hard to gauge how many people will actually be there, so this is also a way to  have some type of confirmation on attendance.

    You can just show up and do that then OR you can reserve a spot by E-mailing Defiant on how to send it or you can E-mail me, or you can mail it to the LAN Arena. The LAN Arena can hold up to about 36 BYOC people, so please reserve your spot. Trust me, it will be worth it.

    The cost is listed in the FAQ area.

    Hope 2 C U @ the best dam LAN Party of the entire year !!!!  smiley_abmc

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