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Saved by PBworks
on June 10, 2007 at 12:29:43 pm
Pre-QuakeCon Tastyspleen Athens LAN Party
- 10 June 2007 - Mike
- Added pictures of the LAN Arena
- April 2007 -- Defiant!
- Drove overnight to visit Mike "DeathStalker" at the Athens LAN Arena. The place is awesome. High end machines, high speed internet wired/wireless, and a crowd of gamers. We talked about the upcoming LAN details and are all excited
- Who - Anyone who wants to particpate, bring your PC or Pay to Play
- What - Computer gaming party, focus on Quake 2 with many other games available
- When - Tuesday July 31 through late night Wednesday August 1st, just before QuakeCon
- Where - Athens LAN Arena, in Athens Texas a hour drive away from QuakeCon
- Why - To meet, play, and compete

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